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A Page A Day Keeps The Voices Away…

Published January 3, 2012 by eternalros3

I did it. I cracked. Finally flew over the Coo-coo’s nest…
But before you get the straightjacket out, I’m not quite ready to visit that special padded cell. That’s right, I’m not actually as crazy as some may think ;-p

What am I raving about?
Well, I decided to let you guys take a journey to the Otherworld that is my brain, to figure out how this darn thing works.
Yeah…it will be a long time before that happens – trust me, I haven’t even figured it out yet.

When I started my food blog, I was torn between creating that and a place to just…write. Obviously food won out, and I decided to keep a writing blog on the back burner…no pun intended…and refer to it once I had an idea.
I still don’t have a solid idea; what I do have is currently in rough-draft form until I can come up with other fun things to incorporate. I’m hoping to have all sorts of goodies up and running in this bi…blog…in no time.
{Which, for me, means procrastination will take over and this idea probably won’t take off as smoothly as I’m hoping.}

My fingers are itching to pen words. Any kind of words.
My paper is blank, my mind is off gallivanting with pirates, and I’m stuck here with a need to get creative and no outlet. {I also blame the fact that somehow my flash drive snapped in half and all of my documents have not been saved on this laptop since I had to last reinstall…Don’t ask…long story.}

Since I didn’t really follow along with NaNoWriMo or Post A Day/Week, I’m hoping I actually stick with it this time, but in my own way.
Read away if you like, or if you find this absolutely boring and ridiculous; [x] <–clicky!
Or, if you would like to get a chance to see the mechanics of my mind, follow along, offer your own POV, or just laugh at how much of a ‘tard I can be, this is the blog for you. 🙂
I will be writing random prompts and adding them to this blog, in addition to my recipes on the other one. I may include daily musings, or questions…or fun little facts/things to do. If you do decided to play along and join in the conversation, I will be happy to read what you have to say. Constructive criticism is welcome, as is any ideas you may have to help me improve or add to certain aspects of my writing.
Hell, if you wanna even tell me about the weather outside, go ahead and comment away.

Since I procrastinated already and waited to post this until today, I’ll start the prompts tomorrow. For now, why don’t you sit back and watch this creative funky little video?

I don’t usually listen to this kind of music unless they actually hold my interest, and I don’t know how I feel about the rest of this band’s stuff. However, I love this song, and the video is awesome…mainly because of the media ties. {I stumbled across it looking up Chitty Chitty Bang Bang clips.}